Helen thanks Tom for helping Henry with his homework. Bewildered Tom says he didn’t, but Helen’s gone. Later Tom finds Henry abrupt with him for seemingly ignoring his email, and when he tries to explain Henry cuts him short. Kirsty helped him with his homework; he’s handed it in now. If Tom didn’t know enough about it he should have said. Henry goes to check on the goats, leaving Tom wondering what’s going on. He catches up with Henry but Helen arrives before he can speak to him. Helen senses the atmosphere and finally Henry admits he didn’t like the way Tom bought the Beechwood house over Helen’s head. It’s not okay to do that to family. Chastened Tom offers apologies, which Henry accepts.
Mick tries to comfort Joy and get to the bottom of the issues with Rochelle. Meanwhile Rochelle announces she’s leaving. She came here for comfort and instead feels judged. Mick pleads with her to give her mum a chance, but Rochelle asserts she has nothing left. Refusing Joy’s help, she accepts a lift to the bus station with Mick. On the journey Rochelle insists Joy isn’t the person everyone thinks she is. Their life stopped when her dad left. Her mum’s toxic and Mick needs to get out while he can. Later Mick hears Joy’s side of the story. Rochelle’s a drifter, easily distracted and leaves the minute things get tricky. Mick ventures that Joy might have made things worse by interfering. Joy counters that Mick wouldn’t understand; he doesn’t have children. Offended, Mick leaves.