DiscoverThe Adam and Dr. Drew Show#1912 Fleeing Top Earners
#1912 Fleeing Top Earners

#1912 Fleeing Top Earners

Update: 2024-09-06


This podcast episode features Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew discussing a range of topics, including censorship, the Hunter Biden laptop controversy, celebrity influence, alternative medicine, and the political climate in California. They express concerns about the suppression of information that could have impacted the 2020 election, particularly the role of big tech, the FBI, and the media in silencing dissenting voices. They also discuss the phenomenon of celebrities threatening to leave California if certain political outcomes occur, questioning the impact and relevance of celebrity endorsements in today's political landscape. The episode delves into the topic of alternative medicine, specifically discussing El MacPherson's decision to pursue alternative treatments for breast cancer. Adam and Dr. Drew express concern about the potential risks of forgoing conventional medical care for a treatable condition, highlighting the importance of evidence-based medicine and the potential for complications when alternative treatments are used without proper medical supervision. The discussion also touches upon the arrest of an assistant to the New York governor, who was accused of being a CCP agent, highlighting the importance of the FBI's role in uncovering such activities. Adam and Dr. Drew further discuss the exodus of people from California to Texas, highlighting Gavin Newsom's response and the broader implications of the state's political and economic climate. They also discuss the role of journalists in covering political issues, highlighting the difference between real journalists who ask tough questions and those who act as allies to certain political figures.


Censorship, Celebrity Influence, and California's Exodus

Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew discuss censorship, the Hunter Biden laptop controversy, celebrity influence, and the political climate in California, highlighting concerns about the suppression of information, the decline of celebrity endorsements, and the exodus of people from the state.

Colaguard Colon Cancer Screening Advertisement

This segment features an advertisement for Colaguard, a home-based colon cancer screening test.

Alternative Medicine and CCP Agent Arrest

Adam and Dr. Drew discuss El MacPherson's decision to pursue alternative treatments for breast cancer, expressing concern about the potential risks of forgoing conventional medical care. They also discuss the arrest of an assistant to the New York governor, who was accused of being a CCP agent, highlighting the importance of the FBI's role in uncovering such activities.

The Role of Journalists and Podcast Promotion

Adam and Dr. Drew discuss the role of journalists in covering political issues, highlighting the difference between real journalists who ask tough questions and those who act as allies to certain political figures. They also promote their upcoming stand-up shows and podcasts.



The act of suppressing or restricting the freedom of expression or access to information, often by governments or powerful entities.

Hunter Biden Laptop

A laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former US President Joe Biden, that contained potentially damaging information about Biden's business dealings, which was suppressed by social media platforms and the media in the lead-up to the 2020 election.

Big Tech

Large technology companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, that have significant influence over the flow of information online.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation, a federal law enforcement agency responsible for investigating crimes and protecting national security.

Media Bias

The tendency of media outlets to present information in a way that favors a particular political or ideological perspective.

Election Interference

Actions taken to influence the outcome of an election, often through illegal or unethical means.

Alternative Medicine

Medical practices that are not part of conventional medicine, such as naturopathy, homeopathy, and acupuncture.

CCP Agent

An individual who acts as an agent for the Chinese Communist Party, potentially engaging in espionage or other activities that threaten national security.

California Exodus

The trend of people leaving California for other states, often due to factors such as high taxes, cost of living, and political climate.


  • What are Adam and Dr. Drew's main concerns about censorship and the Hunter Biden laptop controversy?

    They are concerned about the suppression of information that could have impacted the 2020 election, particularly the role of big tech, the FBI, and the media in silencing dissenting voices and potentially influencing the outcome.

  • How do Adam and Dr. Drew view the current state of celebrity influence in politics?

    They believe that celebrity influence has decayed due to the rise of social media and the increasing awareness of celebrities' often-flawed opinions and lack of expertise on complex issues.

  • What are Adam and Dr. Drew's concerns about El MacPherson's decision to pursue alternative treatments for breast cancer?

    They are concerned about the potential risks of forgoing conventional medical care for a treatable condition, highlighting the importance of evidence-based medicine and the potential for complications when alternative treatments are used without proper medical supervision.

  • How do Adam and Dr. Drew differentiate between real journalists and those who act as political allies?

    They believe that real journalists ask tough questions and hold those in power accountable, while those who act as political allies often provide softball questions and avoid challenging their allies' positions.

  • What is Adam's perspective on the exodus of people from California?

    He believes that the state's high taxes, regulations, and cost of living are driving people away, and he is considering moving himself due to these factors.

Show Notes

Wrapping up the week, Dr. Drew opens up the show talking about the hot topic of censorship, Mark Zuckerberg admitting that Facebook was asked to redact information, and who's deciding what’s right or wrong for others? Then, Adam explains the difference between lying versus just being wrong, the new world order of slippery politicians, and the season of fleeing celebrities is upon us!

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#1912 Fleeing Top Earners

#1912 Fleeing Top Earners

Dr. Drew Pinsky and Adam Carolla