DiscoverThis American Life198: How to Win Friends and Influence People
198: How to Win Friends and Influence People

198: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Update: 2025-01-0517


People climbing to be number one. How do they do it? What is the fundamental difference between us and them?

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  • Prologue: Ira Glass talks with Paul Feig, who, as a sixth-grader, read the Dale Carnegie classic How to Win Friends and Influence People at the urging of his father. He found that afterward, he had a bleaker understanding of human nature—and even fewer friends than when he started. (9 minutes)
  • Act One: David Sedaris has this instructive tale of how, as a boy, with the help of his dad, he tried to bridge the chasm that divides the popular kid from the unpopular — with the sorts of results that perhaps you might anticipate. (14 minutes)
  • Act Two: After the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, U.S. diplomats had to start working the phones to assemble a coalition of nations to combat this new threat. Some of the calls, you get the feeling, were not the easiest to make. Writer and performer Tami Sagher imagines what those calls were like. (6 minutes)
  • Act Three: To prove this simple point—a familiar one to readers of any women's magazines—we have this true story of moral instruction, told by Luke Burbank in Seattle, about a guy he met on a plane dressed in a hand-sewn Superman costume. (13 minutes)
  • Act Four: Jonathan Goldstein with a story about what it's like to date Lois Lane when she's on the rebound from Superman. (13 minutes)

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Comments (3)

Even Joe Biden is MAGA Now

Jack Smith resigns. Womp womp, sorry leftist pigs.

Jan 12th

Even Joe Biden is MAGA Now

Seriously, who the hell is in charge in California??? MULTIPLE wildfires, ZERO percent containment. And did you see the lib mayor go totally SILENT when asked questions during a press conference today? Like a deer in headlights, I've never seen anything so cringe in my life! 11 days until President Trump makes things right again. Let's hope there's still something left to save...

Jan 10th

This is my Pride Flag

Today the vote was certified for President Donald J. Trump and Justin Trudeau resigns in humiliation among mockery even from his own liberal douchebag party. Coincidence? Come on, man! You can't stop what's coming, folks.

Jan 7th








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198: How to Win Friends and Influence People

198: How to Win Friends and Influence People

This American Life