Susan and Neil catch up with Emma and commiserate that George didn’t get in touch over Christmas. Susan invites Emma, Ed and Keira over for New Year but Emma turns it down, as well as the next option, lunch today at the Bull. A dejected Susan speculates to Neil that Emma thinks it’s their fault George won’t accept visitors. But Emma avoiding them isn’t good, surely. Emma apologises. She feels hopeless and explains why she can’t celebrate with her family at New Year without George there. Susan and Neil remind Emma how much they love her and she thanks them and reciprocates.
Joy wants to have a proper chat with Rochelle, who she’s worried about. But Rochelle doesn’t want to rake up the past. They’re interrupted by a visit from Lynda. She takes an instant liking to Rochelle, who twigs that quite a few people seem to have heard a lot about her, courtesy of proud Joy. Lynda stops for a cup of tea, keen to learn everything about Rochelle. Lynda gushes about Joy who does the same about Lynda and her community role and achievements. Lynda's popped round to request two tickets for the panto Joy’s organising. But when she hears where it's being held, changes her mind as she's not a fan of the venue. Lynda realises that Joy hasn’t shown Rochelle the local sights yet, so takes it upon herself. As they explore, Lynda finds out a bit about Rochelle who’d enjoyed meeting her mum’s friends. Rochelle reckons Joy’s really landed on her feet moving to Ambridge.