On New Year’s Eve Susan and Neil contemplate an early night, but they’re interrupted by a call – a sow has got out at Berrow. Neil’s had a drink, so Hannah picks him up to go over and sort it. Later, Hannah jokes about her lack of a social life and accepts an invitation to stay for a drink with Susan and Neil. They get on famously and see in the New Year. They discuss their family troubles, including Hannah’s mum’s illness, and Susan shares how Emma’s struggling. But this evening has been lovely, and they raise a toast to friends, and a brighter 2025.
Rochelle heads to Rex’s narrowboat party and give apologies for Joy and Mick. Rochelle meets Kirsty and assumes she and Rex are an item, but Kirsty sets her straight. She’s heard all about Rochelle and praises Joy, prompting Rochelle to mention her dream childhood. Rex and Rochelle get chatting about their dads leading Rochelle to describe when hers walked out on them when she was a teenager – her mum fell to pieces.
Rochelle gets a lift home from Lynda and Kirsty feels for Rex, asking him if anything happened with Rochelle. When she wonders was he interested, Rex says no, citing various reasons, but Kirsty encourages cautious Rex to ask Rochelle out. Kirsty’s resolution is to grab life with both hands, and he should do the same. She loves Rex and he says the same to her – both agreeing that they mean that as friends.