DiscoverTrue Crime Obsessed375: Still Missing Morgan Part 2
375: Still Missing Morgan Part 2

375: Still Missing Morgan Part 2

Update: 2024-07-1611


This episode of "In the Dark" continues its investigation into the Morgan Nick case, focusing on the inconclusive results of the hair test from Billy Jack Links' truck. The episode highlights the emotional toll this news takes on Colleen, Morgan's mother, who is struggling to maintain hope despite the setbacks. The episode also explores the renewed focus on Charles Ray Vines as a suspect, as the investigation into Links' truck yields no conclusive evidence. The episode then shifts to a discussion about fast fashion and its impact on the environment and the exploitation of young girls by brands like Brandy Melville. The episode features interviews with women who have worked for Brandy Melville, sharing their experiences with the company's exploitative practices and the racist and sexist culture that permeates the brand. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to support ethical and sustainable fashion brands and to be mindful of the impact of their clothing choices on the environment and on the lives of workers.


Meetup Announcements

This Chapter begins with the host announcing upcoming meetups in Austin, Texas, Phoenix, Arizona, and Los Angeles. The host encourages listeners to RSVP and attend, emphasizing the welcoming and friendly atmosphere of the meetups.

Setting the Record Straight

This Chapter addresses a previous statement made by the host about Steve's obsession with the glass of an asher. The host clarifies that the statement was inaccurate and based on a misunderstanding.

Continuing the Coverage of Missing Morgan

This Chapter marks the continuation of the podcast's coverage of the Morgan Nick case, focusing on the second two episodes of the documentary series "Still Missing Morgan." The host reminds listeners about the availability of ad-free episodes, bonus episodes, and Patreon content.

The Case of Juanita Wallford

This Chapter briefly discusses the case of Juanita Wallford, where Charles Vinds admitted to being guilty of murder and rape. The host expresses hope that this case will bring justice to the victim.

The Jacob Wetterling Case: A Fresh Look

This Chapter delves into the Jacob Wetterling case, focusing on the efforts of Patty Wetterling, Jacob's mother, to push for a fresh look at the investigation after 25 years. The episode highlights the power of Patty's advocacy and her role in bringing in the FBI's CARD team.

The Billy Jack Links Suspect

This Chapter introduces Billy Jack Links, a new suspect in the Morgan Nick case. Links had a history of sexual solicitation of a child and attempted abduction, and his red truck was similar to the one described by witnesses in Morgan's case. The episode explores the evidence linking Links to the crime, including a concrete slab poured over his property and a white camper on his truck.

The Search for Answers

This Chapter focuses on the investigation into the Jacob Wetterling case, where Danny Heinrich emerges as the main suspect. The episode details the search of Heinrich's house, where child sexual abuse images were found, and the subsequent arrest warrant for child sex abuse images. The episode also highlights the importance of going back to the beginning of the investigation, as Heinrich was interviewed within the first week of Jacob's disappearance.

The Inconclusive Hair Test

This Chapter focuses on the inconclusive results of the hair test from Billy Jack Links' truck. The episode highlights the emotional toll this news takes on Colleen, Morgan's mother, who is struggling to maintain hope despite the setbacks. The episode also explores the renewed focus on Charles Ray Vines as a suspect, as the investigation into Links' truck yields no conclusive evidence.

The Cult of Fast Fashion

This Chapter shifts to a discussion about fast fashion and its impact on the environment and the exploitation of young girls by brands like Brandy Melville. The episode features interviews with women who have worked for Brandy Melville, sharing their experiences with the company's exploitative practices and the racist and sexist culture that permeates the brand. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to support ethical and sustainable fashion brands and to be mindful of the impact of their clothing choices on the environment and on the lives of workers.


Morgan Nick

Morgan Nick was a six-year-old girl who was abducted in 1995 from a softball field in Alma, Arkansas. Her disappearance remains unsolved, but the podcast "In the Dark" has shed light on the investigation and potential suspects, including Billy Jack Links.

Billy Jack Links

Billy Jack Links was a man who was arrested in 1995 for sexual solicitation of a child and attempted abduction. He was a suspect in the Morgan Nick case, and evidence linked him to the crime, including a concrete slab poured over his property and a white camper on his truck. However, he was never charged due to a lack of physical evidence and a polygraph test he passed.

Charles Ray Vines

Charles Ray Vines was a man who was suspected of being a serial killer in the early stages of the Morgan Nick investigation. He was never charged with any crime, but he was a person of interest in the case. Vines died in prison while investigators were preparing to question him.

Colleen Nick

Colleen Nick is the mother of Morgan Nick, who was abducted in 1995. She has been a tireless advocate for her daughter and has worked tirelessly to keep the case in the public eye. She is a close friend of Patty Wetterling, the mother of Jacob Wetterling, who was also abducted and murdered.

Patty Wetterling

Patty Wetterling is the mother of Jacob Wetterling, who was abducted and murdered in 1989. She has been a tireless advocate for her son and has worked tirelessly to keep the case in the public eye. She is a close friend of Colleen Nick, the mother of Morgan Nick, who was also abducted.

Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a term used to describe the rapid production of trendy and inexpensive clothing. The industry is known for its low prices, its reliance on cheap labor, and its negative impact on the environment. The podcast "In the Dark" explores the dark side of fast fashion, highlighting the exploitation of workers and the environmental damage caused by the industry.

Brandy Melville

Brandy Melville is a fast fashion brand that is known for its trendy and inexpensive clothing. The brand is popular among teenage girls, but it has been criticized for its exploitative practices and its racist and sexist culture. The podcast "In the Dark" explores the dark side of Brandy Melville, highlighting the experiences of women who have worked for the company and the negative impact the brand has on young girls.

In the Dark

In the Dark is a podcast that investigates true crime cases, focusing on the stories of victims and their families. The podcast has gained recognition for its in-depth reporting and its ability to shed light on complex and often overlooked cases.


A groomer is a person who befriends and gains the trust of a child in order to sexually abuse them. The podcast "In the Dark" discusses the different types of child predators, including groomers, abductors, and serial killers.


An abductor is a person who kidnaps another person, often with the intent to harm or exploit them. The podcast "In the Dark" discusses the different types of child predators, including groomers, abductors, and serial killers.


  • What was the outcome of the hair test from Billy Jack Links' truck?

    The hair test from Billy Jack Links' truck was inconclusive, meaning that it could not be definitively determined whether the hair belonged to Morgan Nick. This news was devastating for Colleen, Morgan's mother, who had been clinging to hope that the test would provide answers.

  • Why is Charles Ray Vines now a renewed focus in the Morgan Nick investigation?

    Charles Ray Vines was a suspect in the Morgan Nick case early on, but he died in prison before investigators could question him. With the inconclusive results of the hair test from Billy Jack Links' truck, investigators are now looking back at Vines as a potential suspect.

  • What is the impact of fast fashion on the environment and on the lives of workers?

    Fast fashion is a term used to describe the rapid production of trendy and inexpensive clothing. The industry is known for its low prices, its reliance on cheap labor, and its negative impact on the environment. The podcast "In the Dark" explores the dark side of fast fashion, highlighting the exploitation of workers and the environmental damage caused by the industry.

  • What are some of the exploitative practices and the racist and sexist culture that permeates Brandy Melville?

    Brandy Melville is a fast fashion brand that is known for its trendy and inexpensive clothing. The brand is popular among teenage girls, but it has been criticized for its exploitative practices and its racist and sexist culture. The podcast "In the Dark" explores the dark side of Brandy Melville, highlighting the experiences of women who have worked for the company and the negative impact the brand has on young girls.

  • What is the message of the podcast "In the Dark" regarding the Morgan Nick case?

    The podcast "In the Dark" highlights the challenges of investigating cold cases, particularly those involving child abductions. The episode underscores the importance of perseverance and the need for law enforcement to follow all leads, even if they seem unlikely. The episode also emphasizes the emotional toll that these cases take on the victims' families and the importance of supporting them through their journey.

  • What is the call to action for listeners at the end of the episode?

    The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to support ethical and sustainable fashion brands and to be mindful of the impact of their clothing choices on the environment and on the lives of workers. The episode encourages listeners to research the brands they buy from and to make informed choices about their purchases.

  • What is the significance of the 2% chance that Morgan Nick is still alive?

    The 2% chance that Morgan Nick is still alive is a statistic that Colleen, Morgan's mother, is clinging to. This statistic is based on the fact that 98% of children who are missing for more than two years are found dead. Colleen is holding onto this 2% chance as a source of hope and motivation to keep searching for her daughter.

  • What is the role of the victims' families in seeking answers?

    The podcast highlights the unwavering determination of the victims' families to find answers and bring closure to their loved ones' disappearances. Patty Wetterling, Jacob's mother, has been a tireless advocate for justice, and she continues to seek answers even after Heinrich's confession. Morgan Nick's family has also been actively involved in the investigation, and they remain hopeful that the discovery of the blonde hair in Links' truck will lead to a breakthrough in their case.

  • What is the message of the podcast "In the Dark" regarding law enforcement and child abduction cases?

    The podcast "In the Dark" highlights the failures of law enforcement in child abduction cases, particularly their reliance on polygraph tests and their failure to follow leads. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of going back to the beginning of the investigation and the need for a fresh look at evidence. The podcast underscores the importance of victims' families in seeking answers and holding law enforcement accountable.

Show Notes

As shocking new evidence emerges, Morgan's family comes to believe that the case is solvable and that there is hope they'll find out what happened to Morgan after nearly three decades.

FAM!! COME TO A MEETUP IN YOUR CITY!! Patrick is coming to town to get the TCO Fam together and you should come hang out!! RSVP HERE AND LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED

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375: Still Missing Morgan Part 2

375: Still Missing Morgan Part 2

True Crime Obsessed