413 - Mentality Man

413 - Mentality Man

Update: 2023-11-301


In this episode of the Secret 2 Success, the guys discussed how becomes different when you’re wholeheartedly locked in. 

Mindset Necessities

  • There is a difference between having energy (feeling) & a mentality (mindset) for something you desire. Combining both gives you the best chance for optimal results. 

  • Be clear on what you value! Let your actions shift your behaviors to show what you believe. 

  • “Your mentality comes from the practice.” Confidence comes from repeated actions consistently. Spend ample amount of time perfecting your craft. 

  • Analyze your journey and realize that you’re winning! Stop being hard on yourself. Ask people that whose opinion you value for their honest opinion of your progress.  


1) Do you have a mentality for something you’re wanting results in? 

2) How are you measuring your success? Don’t analyze your progress by what happens in one day. Allow the process to take form.

3) What does your mentality and actions reflect when the cameras aren’t shining on you? 


  • To check out exclusives and more behind the scenes interactions, head over to Patreon.com/S2Spodcast120 to become a Secret To Success Patreon!

  • Take a transformative step forward and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Karl’s Moving Past Potential Workshop in Orlando! Learn more about the 3 Day Conference at https://www.movingpastpotential.com/

  • To learn more about Grounds Crew coaching, head over to TheGCguide.com for more information. 

Listener Perks

  • Organifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to www.organifi.com/success. Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by science to replenish micronutrients, support energy and balance hormones from am to pm with our customer favorites.

  • Rocket Money helps track all of your expenses when it comes to monthly subscriptions. Their purpose is to make you aware of your subscriptions that you may or may not be using. Save money an avoid possibly being double charged by heading over RocketMoney.com/S2S 

  • Chime offers help in your financial journey by building your credit history. You can sign up with no annual fees, interest, nor will it affect your credit score. Head over to chime.com/SUCCESS to sign up to receive a secured visa credit card with fee free draft up to a $200.

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413 - Mentality Man

413 - Mentality Man

The Resonance Network