458 | A Healthy State of Panic | Farnoosh Torabi
In this episode: fear, anxiety, FOMO, talking about money, endings, self development, exposure, and the fear of loneliness.
This week we are joined by Farnoosh Tarabi where we will be discussing the topic of fear and anxiety, reinterpreting FOMO, and how to recognize and use your fears and anxieties to work with you in order to reach your financial goals. While we can sometimes interpret our own fear as a weakness, many times these fears and anxieties can be a secret weapon, ones that motivate us and usher in necessary change that can make a difference in the path that we are on. In some cases, it can be a fear of missing out on opportunities. Other times it can be a fear of endings. But no matter the fears, learning to recognize the underlying feelings and meanings can ultimately help you on the path to FI! Remember, an important part of this journey requires introspection, and while it may be uncomfortable to sit with your fears and anxieties, working with them, rather than against them may just be the superpower you didn’t know you had.
Farnoosh Torabi:
- Check out Farnoosh's new book "A Healthy State of Panic! Follow Your Fears to Build Wealth, Crush Your Career, and Win at Life"
- 2:12 - Introduction
- 3:24 - The Other Side of Anxiety's Coin
- 8:23 - Fear and Finance/Talking About Money
- 16:41 - The Fear of Rejection
- 25:22 - The Fear of Missing Out/The Fear of Loneliness
- 39:33 - The Fear of Exposure
- 45:29 - The Fear of Endings
- 50:03 - Conclusion
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
- So Money Podcast
- "The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response" by Ellen Vora
- "When She Makes More" by Farnoosh Torabi
- Subscribe to The FI Weekly!
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- Earn $1,050 or More With These 3 Cash Back Cards
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