DiscoverAchieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod562: How (and WHY) to Make December Your Best Month Ever
562: How (and WHY) to Make December Your Best Month Ever

562: How (and WHY) to Make December Your Best Month Ever

Update: 2024-11-27


I'm sure you’ve probably heard the phrase, "It's not how you start; it's how you finish that counts." In today's episode, I'll be inviting you to make December the best month of your life and telling you WHY and HOW to do it.

As the holiday season approaches, many people create resolutions and personal goals for the new year. What I'd like you to consider is that how you finish the year will impact how you start off in the new year. One reason why most New Year's resolutions fail is because of the unproductive habits that we create (or fail to create) in December.

Whether you have financial or health goals, today’s show will help keep you on track to start the new year with momentum. If you challenge yourself to make December your best month ever, you'll be able to pursue and achieve every meaningful goal that you set for yourself with confidence.


  • Your achievements matter, but so do the moments with the people you care about
  • You can’t control every result, but you can control the habits and processes that lead to success
  • Small wins now build big momentum later
  • The real win isn’t hitting the goal - it’s becoming the kind of person who achieves 
  • Goals are great but never forget WHY you want to accomplish them

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562: How (and WHY) to Make December Your Best Month Ever

562: How (and WHY) to Make December Your Best Month Ever

Hal Elrod