DiscoverMurder SheetAnatomy of A Trial: Voir Dire: Attorney Tim Sledd Explains Jury Selection
Anatomy of A Trial: Voir Dire: Attorney Tim Sledd Explains Jury Selection

Anatomy of A Trial: Voir Dire: Attorney Tim Sledd Explains Jury Selection

Update: 2024-12-17


We talk about a criminal trial as if it was a single event but of course that’s not entirely true. A trial is made up of multiple parts starting with jury selection and going all the way to the delivery of a verdict. Not all of these stages of a trial always get attention but each of them can be tremendously important. In fact, some attorneys claim that a trial can be won or lost in the jury selection process– and that, of course, happens before any case is made to that jury. That is why we have decided to launch a new occasional series we are calling Anatomy of A Trial. In each segment, we will talk to an experienced trial lawyer who will go in depth with us about a particular piece of a trial.

Our expert today is Tim Sledd. We will be talking with Tim about voir dire, the process of jury selection. How are jurors picked? What kind of strategies do lawyers use when looking for jurors? How do attorneys try to build a rapport with jurors even before opening statements are delivered?

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Anatomy of A Trial: Voir Dire: Attorney Tim Sledd Explains Jury Selection

Anatomy of A Trial: Voir Dire: Attorney Tim Sledd Explains Jury Selection