Budget Breakdown (Ep. 10) How to Debt Snowball | Young Mom in Canada
This week, Christine and Dave examine the budget of a young family of six struggling to pay down some significant debts. The Frugal Fit Spouses speak from their own debt-free experience as they encourage this mother to abandon the luxury of eating out, spend less at the grocery store, and utilize Dave Ramsey's Debt Snowball Method to get the family out of debt and help them afford an upcoming wedding.
DM your questions and ideas for future podcast episodes to Christine on Instagram @frugalfitmom6.
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Website: https://www.frugalfitmom.com
Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/debt/get-out-of-debt-with-the-debt-snowball-plan?gclid=CjwKCAjw4c-ZBhAEEiwAZ105RchA5AybiyC7GgYHStGVTioePSsfgQIF7Q6pmV6UK8vCZmlPHJIi3BoCzYcQAvD_BwE
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