Ep. 209: Readers' Theater: Easy, Effective, & FUN! with Dr. Chase Young
Chase Young discusses the implementation of Reader's Theater in the classroom, providing a detailed framework for the process. He emphasizes the importance of structured practice, fluency, and expression, as well as the benefits of engaging students in dramatic reading. Reader's Theater can be implemented in ELA and other subject areas with grade-level texts. Reader's Theatre improves reading skills and transfers skills to other texts.
- Structured practice is essential for achieving fluency and expression in Reader's Theater.
- Reader's Theater can be integrated with other subjects, providing opportunities for vocabulary and morphology instruction.
- Choosing challenging, grade-level texts is important for meeting grade-level expectations and supporting students' fluency and comprehension.
- Repetition plays a significant role in scaffolding and supporting students' fluency and expression in Reader's Theater. Reader's Theatre is an effective tool for improving reading skills and fluency.
- Meta analysis - super duper effect size 1.23
- Readers Theatre Plus Comprehension and Word Study 2017
- Free Readers’ Theater Scripts at The Best Class - Chase Young’s website
- Rumpelstiltskin Readers’ Theater Script
- The Methods of Repeated Readings - J. Samuels The Reading Teacher
- More Readers' Theater Scripts at JustTwoTeachers
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