Healing Generational Trauma
In this heartfelt episode, Dr. Frank Anderson is joined by his son, Logan, they share an honest conversation about the impact of trauma on their relationship. Logan reflects on recently understanding his father's trauma history and how it reshaped his view of childhood. Frank discusses the pain of recognizing his past's influence on his parenting and the guilt he felt for his reactions.
Join us for this powerful episode as Frank and Logan discuss the transformative power of understanding and building a stronger, more loving relationship. If you find this episode moving, please leave us a 5-star review and share it with others!
Find Frank's book, To Be Loved, here
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Trauma Institute: @traumainstitute | traumainstitute.com
Frank Anderson: @frank_andersonmd | frankandersonmd.com
Matthias Barker: @matthiasjbarker | matthiasjbarker.com