MBA2295 How to Discipline Your Disappointment
There’s one skill that differentiates people who can make it in business (or anything really) in the long term: a comfortable relationship with disappointment. Including the kind that comes from your own failure.
Don’t worry, this episode won’t bum you out. It’ll empower you!
Long understood in the sports world, the ability to shake off a bad outcome is the key to survival in business. If you don’t allow your motivation, confidence, and belief to be derailed by losses, you will get to the wins — even if it takes a few more losses.
Call it “grit.” Call it perseverance. But whatever you do, develop this skill now.
Learn how important it is to be ok with getting knocked down, and hear a few strategies that’ll help you do just that. Embrace disappointment as a fact, so you can let it go as an anchor. The sooner you cultivate this very healthy skill, the less disappointment you’ll have to discipline.
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