MFM Minisode 396
"That's Messed Up" is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Lisa Tranger and Kara Clank. The podcast features a unique format that combines episodes of Law and Order SVU with real-life crime stories and interviews with actors from the show. The podcast delves into a variety of chilling tales, including a listener's experience swimming in the pool of a notorious serial killer's mansion, a harrowing car crash from a listener's childhood, and a story about a "trash grandma" who encountered a rattlesnake. The podcast also explores stories of a fire at a liquor store, an awkward encounter in Japan, and a listener's experience as a 10-year-old bank teller.
Introduction and Podcast Format
This episode introduces the True Crime Comedy Podcast, "That's Messed Up," hosted by Lisa Tranger and Kara Clank. They discuss their podcast format, which involves breaking down an episode of Law and Order SVU, the true crime it's based on, and interviewing an actor from the episode.
Listener Stories: Chilling Encounters
This segment features listener stories about their encounters with the dark side of life. A listener shares a chilling story about swimming in the pool of a mansion in Westfield, Indiana, where notorious serial killer Herb Balmyster murdered his victims. The listener recounts their experience and the eerie events that occurred during a ghost hunting session at the house.
Listener Stories: Childhood Trauma and Resilience
This segment features listener stories about their experiences with trauma and resilience. A listener recounts a harrowing experience from their childhood, involving a car crash that occurred when they were four years old. The listener describes the chaotic scene, the injuries sustained, and the remarkable resilience of their family.
Listener Stories: Unconventional Family Tales
This segment features listener stories about their unconventional family members and experiences. A listener shares a story about their grandmother, Connie, who was known for her "trash grandma" antics. The listener recounts a particularly memorable incident involving a rattlesnake and their grandmother's unconventional parenting style.
Law and Order SVU
A long-running American police procedural television series that follows the detectives of the Special Victims Unit in the New York City Police Department. The show is known for its graphic depictions of crimes and its exploration of sensitive social issues.
Herb Balmyster
A notorious serial killer who operated in Westfield, Indiana, in the 1990s. Balmyster was known for targeting gay men, strangling them to death in his basement pool, and burying their bodies in his backyard.
Westfield, Indiana
A city located in Hamilton County, Indiana, known for its historic downtown area and its connection to the Herb Balmyster murders.
Ghost Hunting
The practice of attempting to communicate with or detect the presence of spirits or ghosts. Ghost hunters often use various tools and techniques, such as electromagnetic field detectors, thermal cameras, and spirit boxes.
True Crime Podcast
A podcast that focuses on real-life crimes, often featuring interviews with victims, perpetrators, and investigators.
Listener Stories
Personal accounts shared by listeners of the podcast, often about their own experiences with crime, trauma, or unusual events.
What is the format of the True Crime Comedy Podcast, "That's Messed Up?"
The podcast breaks down an episode of Law and Order SVU, the true crime it's based on, and interviews an actor from the episode.
What is the story behind the listener's experience swimming in a murder pool?
The listener swam in the pool of a mansion in Westfield, Indiana, where notorious serial killer Herb Balmyster murdered his victims. The listener recounts their experience and the eerie events that occurred during a ghost hunting session at the house.
What is the listener's earliest memory?
The listener recounts a harrowing experience from their childhood, involving a car crash that occurred when they were four years old. The listener describes the chaotic scene, the injuries sustained, and the remarkable resilience of their family.
What is the story about the listener's "trash grandma?"
The listener shares a story about their grandmother, Connie, who was known for her "trash grandma" antics. The listener recounts a particularly memorable incident involving a rattlesnake and their grandmother's unconventional parenting style.
Show Notes
This week’s hometowns include an awkward misunderstanding in Japan and a 10-year-old bank teller.
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