DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowNew Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview, and Kamala's Fake Nice Vibe, with Larry Elder and Adam Carolla | Ep. 882
New Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview, and Kamala's Fake Nice Vibe, with Larry Elder and Adam Carolla | Ep. 882

New Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview, and Kamala's Fake Nice Vibe, with Larry Elder and Adam Carolla | Ep. 882

Update: 2024-09-0915


This podcast episode dives into the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, exploring the political landscape, media bias, and key issues. The episode begins with Megan Kelly introducing the debate and her guest, Larry Elder, host of The Larry Elder Show. They discuss the potential for inflation due to the Biden administration's spending and the dominance of Democrats in California, connecting it to Kamala Harris's policies. The conversation shifts to debate preparation, with Larry Elder advising Trump not to underestimate Harris. Adam Corolla joins the discussion, criticizing the media's bias towards Harris and their tendency to demonize Trump. He analyzes Harris's public image and the media's fawning coverage, contrasting it with their negative portrayal of Trump. The episode delves into the impact of immigration on Springfield, Ohio, highlighting residents' concerns about the influx of Haitian refugees. Larry Elder argues that the border crisis is a national issue and criticizes the media for downplaying its severity. He discusses the importance of immigration and abortion in the election, defending Trump's approach to these issues and criticizing the Democrat Party's stance on abortion. The episode explores the media's shifting narrative on Dick Cheney, highlighting their double standard in holding Trump accountable for his words while overlooking Cheney's past statements. Megan Kelly discusses her observations about overly nice people, suggesting they often lack character and make bad decisions. She criticizes Subaru's marketing strategy and analyzes Kamala Harris's hypocrisy in calling for unity while supporting a company that promotes division. Kelly discusses the left's tendency to exaggerate climate change concerns and their targeting of conservatives, criticizing Joe Biden's broken promise of unity and Ron Howard's hypocritical stance on JD Vance. She emphasizes the importance of skepticism and media literacy, urging listeners to question information presented by the media. Kelly discusses the trend of "good vibes" politics, arguing that it's a form of emotional manipulation that appeals to a feminized society. She uses the example of sanctuary cities to illustrate the consequences of "good vibes" policy and contrasts the Democrat Party's lack of spine with the Republican Party's strength. Kelly argues that the conservative message of "diet and exercise" is being misconstrued by the left and discusses a study by the Media Research Center that found ABC News's World News Tonight has been overwhelmingly positive towards Kamala Harris and hostile towards Donald Trump. She criticizes the double standard in debate moderation and suggests a strategy for Trump in the upcoming debate.


Introduction and Debate Week

The show begins with Megan Kelly introducing the episode, highlighting the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. She mentions the all-in summit she will be attending in Los Angeles and introduces Larry Elder, host of The Larry Elder Show, as a guest.

Unallocated Funds, Inflation, and Gold IRA

Larry Elder discusses the potential for inflation to surge due to the Biden administration's spending of unallocated infrastructure and pandemic funds. He suggests a gold IRA as an inflation hedge and promotes Birch Gold Group.

California's Political Landscape and Kamala Harris's Policies

Megan Kelly and Larry Elder discuss the political climate in California, highlighting the dominance of Democrats and the lack of Republican representation. They connect California's issues with Kamala Harris's policies, suggesting that her approach to governance mirrors the state's current challenges.

Debate Preparation and Kamala Harris's Strategy

The conversation shifts to Kamala Harris's debate preparation, with details about her mock debates and focus on policy. Larry Elder advises Donald Trump not to underestimate Harris, emphasizing her experience as a lawyer and her track record of winning elections.

Media Bias and the Left's Reaction to Trump

Adam Corolla joins the conversation, discussing the media's bias towards Kamala Harris and their tendency to overlook her inconsistencies. He criticizes the left's reaction to Donald Trump, highlighting their tendency to demonize him and dismiss his supporters.

Kamala Harris's Public Image and the Media's Fawning Coverage

Adam Corolla analyzes Kamala Harris's public image, highlighting the media's fawning coverage of her supposed compassion and warmth. He contrasts this with the media's negative portrayal of Donald Trump, suggesting that the media is more interested in creating a narrative than reporting the truth.

Compassion as Currency and the Consequences of Progressive Policies

Adam Corolla criticizes the emphasis on compassion in politics, arguing that it often leads to ineffective policies. He uses the example of homelessness in Los Angeles to illustrate how well-intentioned but unrealistic policies can exacerbate problems.

Beware of the Dancers and the Importance of Honesty

Adam Corolla warns against being fooled by politicians who appear compassionate and friendly on camera. He uses examples of Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Cosby to illustrate how appearances can be deceiving. He emphasizes the importance of honesty and accountability in leadership.

The Double Standard in Media Coverage of Trump and Harris

Adam Corolla highlights the double standard in media coverage of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. He criticizes the media's tendency to overlook Harris's inconsistencies and flaws while focusing on Trump's perceived shortcomings.

Immigration and the Impact on Springfield, Ohio

Larry Elder discusses the impact of immigration on Springfield, Ohio, highlighting the concerns of residents about the influx of Haitian refugees. He shares the stories of residents who feel overwhelmed by the changes in their community and the lack of support from local authorities.

The Border Crisis and the Media's Silence

Larry Elder argues that the border crisis is a national issue, not just a concern for border states. He criticizes the media for downplaying the severity of the situation and for only paying attention when it becomes politically expedient.

The Importance of Immigration and Abortion in the Election

Larry Elder discusses the importance of immigration and abortion in the upcoming election. He argues that the Biden administration's policies on immigration have exacerbated the border crisis and that the media is pushing the abortion issue to distract from other important issues.

Trump's Approach to Immigration and Abortion

Larry Elder defends Donald Trump's approach to immigration and abortion, arguing that he has taken a more effective approach to border security than the Biden administration and that he has been consistent in his stance on abortion.

The Democrat Party's Stance on Abortion and the Importance of State's Rights

Larry Elder criticizes the Democrat Party's stance on abortion, arguing that they are pushing for a national policy that would override state's rights. He emphasizes the importance of allowing individual states to determine their own policies on abortion.

Trump and Harris's Political Positions and the American Populist

Larry Elder analyzes the political positions of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, highlighting the perception that Harris is too liberal and that Trump is more in line with the views of the American populist.

Kamala Harris's Flip-Flopping and the Media's Acceptance

Larry Elder discusses Kamala Harris's flip-flopping on key issues, highlighting the media's willingness to overlook her inconsistencies. He contrasts this with the media's scrutiny of Donald Trump's positions.

Dick Cheney's Endorsement of Kamala Harris and the Media's Reaction

Larry Elder discusses Dick Cheney's endorsement of Kamala Harris and the media's enthusiastic reaction to it. He contrasts this with the media's silence when RFK Jr. endorsed Donald Trump.

The Media's Shifting Narrative on Dick Cheney

Larry Elder highlights the media's shifting narrative on Dick Cheney, pointing out how they have gone from demonizing him to praising him after his endorsement of Kamala Harris.

Dick Cheney's Op-Ed and the Media's Double Standard

Larry Elder discusses Dick Cheney's op-ed blaming Barack Obama for the Iraq War and the media's reaction to it. He criticizes the media's double standard in holding Trump accountable for his words while overlooking Cheney's past statements.

The Impact of Endorsements and the Media's Agenda

Larry Elder questions the impact of endorsements in elections, suggesting that they may not sway voters as much as the media suggests. He speculates that the media is using Cheney's endorsement to advance their own agenda.

Overly Nice People and the Lack of Character

Megan Kelly discusses her observations about overly nice people, suggesting they often lack character and make bad decisions. She contrasts this with genuine, character-driven individuals who don't need to be overly friendly.

Subaru's "Made with Love" Deception

Kelly criticizes Subaru's marketing strategy, highlighting the contrast between their "made with love" commercials and their involvement in the production of military equipment. She argues that this type of marketing is manipulative and aimed at emotionally appealing to consumers.

Kamala Harris's "Unity" Hypocrisy

Kelly analyzes Kamala Harris's visit to a spice shop that openly criticizes Republicans, highlighting the hypocrisy of her call for unity while supporting a company that promotes division. She argues that Harris's actions are indicative of a larger problem with the Democratic Party's approach to unity.

Climate Change Denial and the Left's Agenda

Kelly discusses the left's tendency to exaggerate climate change concerns, citing the example of a heat wave in Los Angeles. She criticizes the left's focus on "wokeness" and their disregard for factual information.

The "Brandy Hellville" Movie and the Left's Targeting

Kelly discusses a movie about Brandy Melville, a clothing store, and how it portrays the owner as a conservative, pro-Trump figure. She argues that the movie's negative portrayal of the owner is based on his political beliefs rather than any legitimate criticism of the company.

Biden's Broken Promise of Unity

Kelly criticizes Joe Biden's broken promise of unity, highlighting his divisive rhetoric and policies. She argues that Biden's actions have only exacerbated the political divide in the country.

Ron Howard's Hypocrisy and the Media Bubble

Kelly criticizes Ron Howard for his hypocritical stance on JD Vance, highlighting his selective criticism and reliance on biased media sources. She argues that many people in the media bubble are unaware of the true nature of political discourse outside their own circles.

The Need for Skepticism and Media Literacy

Kelly emphasizes the importance of skepticism and media literacy, urging listeners to question information presented by the media. She argues that both the left and right media outlets engage in biased reporting, and it's crucial to be aware of these biases.

The Feminization of America and the Rise of "Good Vibes" Politics

Kelly discusses the trend of "good vibes" politics, arguing that it's a form of emotional manipulation that appeals to a feminized society. She criticizes the left's focus on love and inclusivity over substance and policy.

The Sanctuary City Model: A Representation of "Good Vibes" Policy

Kelly uses the example of sanctuary cities to illustrate the consequences of "good vibes" policy. She argues that the policy's focus on inclusivity and compassion has led to negative outcomes, such as overcrowding and strain on resources.

The Democrat Party's Lack of Spine and the Republican Party's Strength

Kelly contrasts the Democrat Party's lack of spine with the Republican Party's strength and robust nature. She criticizes the left's tendency to demonize conservatives and their distorted view of feminism.

The "Diet and Exercise" Message and the Left's Labeling

Kelly argues that the conservative message of "diet and exercise" is being misconstrued as mean and hurtful by the left. She highlights the hypocrisy of the left's embrace of unhealthy lifestyles and their tendency to label those who promote healthy choices as "bad."

ABC News's Bias in Favor of Kamala Harris

Kelly discusses a study by the Media Research Center that found ABC News's World News Tonight has been overwhelmingly positive towards Kamala Harris and hostile towards Donald Trump. She argues that this bias is concerning, especially considering that the debate moderator is from ABC News.

The Double Standard in Debate Moderation

Kelly criticizes the double standard in debate moderation, where the left is allowed to choose moderators who align with their views, while conservatives are denied the same opportunity. She argues that this creates an unfair playing field and undermines the integrity of the debates.

Trump's Strategy for the Debate

Kelly discusses Trump's strategy for the upcoming debate, suggesting he should focus on simple, digestible messages and avoid getting bogged down in details. She argues that he should let Kamala Harris speak and then highlight the contrast between her words and her actions.


Gold IRA

A gold IRA is a retirement account that allows individuals to invest in physical gold. It can serve as an inflation hedge, protecting savings from the erosion of purchasing power.

Inflation Hedge

An inflation hedge is an investment that is expected to maintain or increase its value during periods of inflation. Gold is often considered an inflation hedge because its price tends to rise when the value of fiat currencies declines.

Sanctuary City

A sanctuary city is a municipality that has policies in place to limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. These policies are intended to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Media Bias

Media bias is the tendency of a media outlet to present information in a way that favors a particular viewpoint. This can include selective reporting, framing, and the use of loaded language.


Compassion is a feeling of empathy and concern for others. It is often seen as a positive quality, but it can also be used to justify ineffective policies.

Double Standard

A double standard is the application of different rules or standards to different people or groups. This can be based on factors such as race, gender, or political affiliation.

Overly Nice People

Individuals who exhibit excessive friendliness and politeness, often masking underlying motives or a lack of genuine character.


Individuals whose actions and decisions are guided by strong moral principles, integrity, and a sense of responsibility.

Good Vibes Politics

A political approach that emphasizes emotional appeal, inclusivity, and positive messaging, often at the expense of substantive policy and critical thinking.

Feminization of America

A perceived trend towards a more feminine societal culture, characterized by a decline in traditional masculine values and an increase in empathy, emotional sensitivity, and inclusivity.


  • What are the key issues that will be debated between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?

    The debate is expected to focus on issues such as inflation, the economy, immigration, and abortion. These are all issues that are important to voters and that have been the subject of much discussion in the lead-up to the election.

  • How is the media covering the upcoming debate?

    The media is showing a clear bias towards Kamala Harris, often overlooking her inconsistencies and flaws while focusing on Donald Trump's perceived shortcomings. This bias is evident in their coverage of her debate preparation, her policy positions, and her public image.

  • What is the impact of immigration on Springfield, Ohio?

    The influx of Haitian refugees has caused significant changes in Springfield, Ohio, with residents expressing concerns about safety, crime, and the lack of support from local authorities. This highlights the challenges that communities across the country are facing as a result of the border crisis.

  • What is the role of compassion in politics?

    Compassion is often seen as a positive quality in politics, but it can also be used to justify ineffective policies. Adam Corolla argues that the emphasis on compassion in politics can lead to unrealistic expectations and a lack of accountability.

  • What is the double standard in media coverage of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?

    The media is often more critical of Donald Trump than Kamala Harris, overlooking her inconsistencies and flaws while focusing on his perceived shortcomings. This double standard is evident in their coverage of her debate preparation, her policy positions, and her public image.

  • What are some of the key differences between overly nice people and those who are genuinely character-driven?

    Overly nice people often lack character and make bad decisions, while genuinely character-driven individuals are honest, responsible, and don't need to pretend to be friendly.

  • How does Subaru's marketing strategy exemplify the "good vibes" approach to politics?

    Subaru's "made with love" commercials are designed to appeal to consumers emotionally, masking the company's involvement in the production of military equipment. This strategy is manipulative and prioritizes emotional appeal over substance.

  • Why does Megan Kelly believe Kamala Harris's call for unity is hypocritical?

    Kelly argues that Harris's visit to a spice shop that openly criticizes Republicans contradicts her call for unity. She believes Harris's actions are indicative of a larger problem with the Democratic Party's approach to unity.

  • What are some of the consequences of the left's focus on "wokeness" and their disregard for factual information?

    The left's tendency to exaggerate climate change concerns and their focus on "wokeness" can lead to a distorted view of reality and a lack of critical thinking.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly is joined by Larry Elder, host of The Larry Elder Show, to talk about the massive upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, what viewers should expect, how this event could shape the 2024 election, how the media will spin it, the latest New York Times poll that has Democrats panicking, Trump ahead of Harris and what it says about minority support for Trump, how voters want big change and they think Trump is the change candidate,  two of the most critical and divisive issues shaping the 2024 election: illegal immigration and abortion, which of these contentious topics is capturing more voter attention and shaping the political dialogue, Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris, and more. Then Adam Carolla, host of The Adam Carolla Show podcast, joins to discuss the media's portrayal of Vice President Kamala Harris as so nice and fun, how the corporate media crafts political personas, why people who are over-the-top nice are usually just faking it, the disconnect between Harris’s public image and her political track record, Hollywood director Ron Howard attacking Sen. JD Vance after he brought his life story to the screen, why Howard's criticism may reflect a larger cultural divide, most people not knowing the actual details and believing media spin on Trump and Vance, the feminization of Democratic men, whether the ABC moderators can check their bias, and more.





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New Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview, and Kamala's Fake Nice Vibe, with Larry Elder and Adam Carolla | Ep. 882

New Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview, and Kamala's Fake Nice Vibe, with Larry Elder and Adam Carolla | Ep. 882
