Slopes Vs. Suits: How Couples Bridge the Retirement Gap - 483
Are women better investors and financial planners? Today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 483 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA, three different husbands want to retire, while their wives feel they need to work longer. Can Jack and Diane, Mark and Belle, and Mike and his wife hit the slopes now, or do they need to keep wearing their suits? Joe and Big Al spitball on who’s right. Plus, should Ellie take her pension in a lump sum or in monthly annuity payments? The fellas also consider a solo 401(k) strategy for self-employed types from our buddy Will. Free financial resources and transcript:
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00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Can We Retire Now or Do We Need to Wait a Few Years? (Jack & Diane, Houston - voice)
09:35 - How to Bridge the Gap in Early Retirement? (Mark & Belle, VA)
19:44 - Help Me Convince My Wife to Retire This Summer! (Michael, MN)
26:28 - Should I Take the Pension Lump Sum or Monthly Annuity Payments? (Ellie, PA)
31:52 - How’s My Solo 401(k) Contribution Strategy? (Will)
36:51 - The Derails