The Right Time to Lose Weight (rebroadcast)
I struggled with weightloss most of my life.
Day after day, I would wonder if now was a good time to start or if I should wait for a better time.
Do you ever do that? Sit back worrying and wondering about losing weight while your mind tells you 1000s of reasons you can't do it?
Wondering and worrying about my weight kept me 100lbs overweight most of my life.
Well, I've got HELP for you in the Losing 100 podcast.
I'm teaching 3 simple steps you can use to know whether to lose weight now or wait for a better time.
Listen to this podcast now. It is a rebroadcast from a couple of years ago where you will meet the AMAZING Kathy Hartman, my podcast co-host at the time. Today, she's focused on coaching and helping women lose weight inside The No BS Weightloss Program.
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