DiscoverThe GaryVee Audio ExperienceWhy You're Missing Out On The Best Things In Your Life
Why You're Missing Out On The Best Things In Your Life

Why You're Missing Out On The Best Things In Your Life

Update: 2024-09-10


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics related to personal growth, creativity, and navigating the modern world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting missed opportunities, as this allows us to focus on the present and embrace the human experience. He discusses his journey of building a communications infrastructure to effectively communicate globally, highlighting the importance of understanding one's strengths and leveraging them to create impact. The speaker attributes his success to curiosity, humility, and a willingness to waste time, emphasizing the power of the audience and the importance of respecting their insights. He explores the significance of pop culture as a powerful currency, comparing it to water and oxygen in its pervasive influence on our decisions and behaviors. The speaker also discusses the importance of balancing creative vision with audience insights, using pop culture references as spices and side dishes while maintaining the core vision of the project. He addresses the issue of impatience, encouraging listeners to focus on personal growth and learning rather than external validation. The speaker challenges the common definition of success, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the process of achieving goals. He explores the concept of perfectionism and its connection to insecurity, encouraging listeners to question whether their self-criticism is genuine or a way to position themselves as hard-working individuals. The speaker provides advice on managing facial expressions and communicating context, emphasizing the importance of using words to re-contextualize reactions in the moment. He addresses the challenge of dealing with strict parents who don't support their children's aspirations, suggesting that compromising and appeasing parents can lead to resentment. The speaker discusses the process of identifying the next mega trend, suggesting a combination of blind conviction and social experimentation to gauge audience interest and validate ideas. He predicts the rise of direct-to-consumer film distribution and the impact of blockchain technology on the industry, believing that creators will have more control over their work and reach audiences directly. The speaker encourages creators to embrace both experimentation and tried-and-true methods in their work, acknowledging that math is not always undefeated when it comes to art. He emphasizes the importance of seizing the unprecedented opportunities presented by the current moment, encouraging creators to work hard and make the most of this unique time. The speaker suggests using social media to validate ideas in a disguised form, recommending creating content that explores themes related to the project without revealing the full concept. He discusses the importance of protecting one's authenticity and reconnecting with their roots when feeling detached, suggesting spending time with people and engaging in activities that align with their true self. The speaker addresses the challenge of balancing opportunities with one's primary goals, encouraging listeners to accept that they've likely missed out on the best things in life and to embrace the human experience. He suggests flipping the concept of FOMO (fear of missing out) and understanding that we're constantly missing out on things, liberating us from the pressure to make perfect decisions. The speaker discusses the importance of transparency in the workplace and the need to build trust with colleagues and leaders, emphasizing that transparency should be driven by a desire to improve, rather than simply for the sake of being open. Finally, he highlights the universality of human truth, despite cultural differences, emphasizing that the same fundamental truths apply across different cultures and contexts.


Embracing Missed Opportunities and the Human Experience

The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting that we've likely missed out on the best things in life due to our past decisions. This acceptance allows us to embrace the present and focus on the human experience.

Building a Communications Infrastructure for Impact

The speaker discusses his journey of building a communications infrastructure to effectively communicate globally. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's strengths and leveraging them to create impact, whether it's selling sneakers or curing diseases.

Curiosity, Humility, and the Power of the Audience

The speaker attributes his success to his curiosity, willingness to waste time, and humility. He believes that the audience is often more right than the creator and emphasizes the importance of respecting their insights.

The Importance of Being Willing to Waste Time

The speaker highlights the importance of being willing to invest time in exploring new things, even if they seem insignificant at first. He argues that many people undervalue their time and dismiss opportunities due to a lack of curiosity.

The Power of Social Media and Digital Numbers

The speaker discusses the transparency of social media and digital numbers, which provide immediate feedback on content performance. He believes that this transparency requires humility and a willingness to adapt to audience preferences.

Pop Culture as a Powerful Currency

The speaker emphasizes the importance of pop culture as a powerful currency in the world. He compares it to water and oxygen, highlighting its pervasive influence on our decisions and behaviors.

Pop Culture as a Culinary Art

The speaker compares pop culture to cooking, where the same ingredients can be used to create vastly different outcomes. He highlights the dynamic nature of pop culture and its ability to evolve and surprise.

The Forever Game of Creating New Trends

The speaker discusses the human capacity for creativity and the ability to create new trends. He believes that paying attention to existing trends empowers the creation of something new, as innovation often builds upon the past.



Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a social anxiety characterized by a constant desire to stay connected and informed about what others are doing. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a need to constantly be engaged in activities.

Pop Culture

Pop culture encompasses popular trends, entertainment, and cultural phenomena that are widely consumed and discussed by the general public. It reflects the values, beliefs, and interests of a society.


Authenticity refers to being true to oneself and living in alignment with one's values and beliefs. It involves being genuine and honest in interactions and expressing one's unique personality.

Direct-to-Consumer Film

Direct-to-consumer film refers to the distribution of films directly to audiences without the involvement of traditional intermediaries like theaters or distributors. This allows creators to have more control over their work and reach audiences directly.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized and secure system for recording and verifying transactions. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including film distribution, by providing transparency and immutability.


Impatience is a feeling of restlessness and a desire for immediate gratification. It can be fueled by external pressures, a lack of self-awareness, and a focus on external validation.


Perfectionism is a tendency to strive for flawlessness and to set unrealistically high standards. It can be driven by insecurity and a fear of failure.


Transparency refers to the open and honest sharing of information. It involves being clear and accountable in communication and fostering trust in relationships.


  • How can I fight the feeling of impatience when I have too many plans?

    The speaker suggests that impatience often stems from societal pressures and a focus on external validation. He encourages listeners to focus on personal growth and learning, rather than comparing themselves to others.

  • How do I balance seeking more opportunities and striving toward my number one goal?

    The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting that we've likely missed out on the best things in life due to our past decisions. This acceptance allows us to embrace the present and focus on the human experience.

  • How do I lead a conversation with strict parents who don't support what I'm doing?

    The speaker suggests that compromising and appeasing parents can lead to resentment. He encourages children to pursue their goals with actions rather than words, as this can ultimately change their parents' minds.

  • How can I figure out if I have the idea for the next mega trend?

    The speaker suggests a combination of blind conviction and social experimentation to gauge audience interest and validate ideas. He believes that the next mega trend will likely involve a blend of both approaches.

  • How open should I be with my boss?

    The speaker suggests that transparency should be driven by a desire to improve, rather than simply for the sake of being open. He emphasizes the importance of building trust with colleagues and leaders.

  • What should I do if I start losing my authenticity?

    The speaker suggests spending time with people and engaging in activities that align with their true self. He encourages listeners to reconnect with their roots and protect their energy.

Show Notes

Today's podcast is a fireside chat I did with the Telfaz11 team during my last visit to Saudi Arabia last year. I share my two cents on the importance of paying attention to pop culture, and how to come up with new ideas while still following trends and perfectionism. I also answered some questions like how to deal with FOMO and much more. Hope you enjoy it!









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Why You're Missing Out On The Best Things In Your Life

Why You're Missing Out On The Best Things In Your Life

Gary Vaynerchuk