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The Wellness Mama Podcast

The Wellness Mama Podcast

Author: Katie Wells

Subscribed: 18,525Played: 540,398


The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of

855 Episodes
It’s no secret that our bodies are exposed daily to more chemicals and negative inputs than previous generations, by a large margin. Enter Dr. Shayne Morris, a biochemist and molecular biologist whose life’s work is how the body can achieve detox and rid itself of toxins at a cellular level.. Today, Dr. Morris will explain …
I seriously cannot wait to dive into this episode because we’re going deep on a topic near and dear to every mom’s heart (and sanity)… how to get better sleep! Whether it’s due to kids, working late, electronics addiction, or you plain just can’t sleep… too many of us are skipping precious hours of shut-eye. …
Dr. Mark Hyman just might be a genius. Do you know why? His latest book title puts into words exactly what health-conscious moms in grocery aisles everywhere are thinking… “What the heck should we eat?!” It’s certainly easy to get discouraged when sorting through all the conflicting health information out there. One health book says …
Episode Highlights With Drew CanoleThe real story of how to build muscle, lose fat, and get healthier as we age"Whydentity" process — the why that makes you cry and how to find yoursFeeling creates your reality and how to start hereHow to create a ritual around mindset and healthy habitsWhen you change your unconscious mind, you change your reality Why he recommends 1 g of protein per pound of ideal body weight for momsHormone and sleep benefits of sun exposure and how to optimize thisSu...
Episode Highlights With Drew CanoleThere are about 80,000 toxins in the environment each year and why this mattersMiracle foods that help protect the body and that are higher in nutrition than regular foodsRDA was created in WW2 but the food supply has changed and they’ve modified the recommendationsHow Drew got into researching superfoods and the ones that will actually make a differenceThe real deal about Moringa and why it's beneficial What adaptogens are and how they can be so helpfu...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Jill CarnahanWhy this topic is so important to herWhat she means by manifesting miracles and the formula of belief, act, wait The balance of holding a vision and letting go of attachment to the details of the howHow to stay in a state of love and compassion and cultivate it toward yourself Autoimmune disease: attack on self - could it be connected to not accepting all the parts of ourselvesLearning to be uncomfortable with uncertainty and finding the beau...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Jill CarnahanThe equation of chronic illness, trauma, and healingWhy she feels trauma work and safety in the body are an important part of physical healthToxic load plus physical burden in chronic diseaseThe link between cancer and autoimmunity How infectious burden affects physical health and what happens when it increases too muchWhat happens with latent infectionsThe 80/20 of creating more margin without big expenses A fascinating fact about nitric oxi...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Griffin ColeThe connection between oral health and disease in other places in the body“Good” and “bad” bacteria in the mouth and how they impact the rest of the bodyWe have over 500 species of bacteria in the mouth aloneThe importance of maintaining an alkaline environment in the mouthWhat is the difference between traditional dentistry and biological dentistryHow to support the oral microbiome How refined sugar actually negatively affects the teethWhen you ge...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Griffin ColeWhat fluoride is and how it became part of conventional medicineThe different forms of fluoride and what to knowIs fluoride actually needed? Ingested fluoride and the new research that we need to be aware ofWhat many studies show about how fluoride in water affects babies in uteroFluoride in the water is like drinking band-aids when you have a cutThis substance is banned from being dumped in many places because it is so harmful to the environmentWh...
Episode Highlights With Lauren VaknineHer incredible story and how her health struggles began at a very young ageHow her mom navigated her diagnosis at a young ageThe importance of not making decisions from a place of fearHow can we begin to learn to figure out our own pieces for our healthHer own root causes and how she eventually uncovered themWhen she realized she had to stop outsourcing her health and how this shifted so much for herUnderstanding how our thoughts affect our biologyHow to ...
Episode Highlights With DanaWhat's going on in the gut in children with ADHDSurprising statistics about gut health in children54% of American children are diagnosed with some sort of chronic condition — why is this happening It all begins in the gut: 80% of the immune system is in the gutHow gut disturbances create brain disturbances and vice versaThe gut makes 95% of serotonin and 50% of dopamine in the bodyWhat we can do to help repair the gut after antibiotics The testing that ca...
Episode Highlights With Dana KayHer personal story with ADHD and how she got into the work she does around thisWhat her son being on medication for his ADHD taught her about best supporting him and other children through ADHD with other methods as wellThe multi-faceted approach to ADHDWhat data says about dietary changes and ADHD symptomsBiggest offenders of foods to avoid in kids with ADHDGreat foods to include to most benefit kids in reducing symptoms of ADHDThe research on omega-3 and ADHD...
Episode Highlights With LeelaQThe potential issues of EMF exposure and reasons it is important to be aware of and mitigate Not all EMFs are bad and the nuance we need to understand Since we aren’t likely to get rid of EMFs and exposure to them, we need to focus on mitigating the effects and harmonizing them insteadHow EMFs essentially add stress to our systems The ways EMFs impact the nervous system and our physiologyWhy it isn’t true that you can’t stop it unless you block itY...
Episode Highlights With Quantum UpgradeWhat quantum energy is, also called source energy, and what we know of itWe are over 90% water on a molecular level and why this mattersHow we are also over 99% space, but it is not empty spaceA quanta is the most complete and discreet particle of something The zinc experiment and the fascinating results that give insight into how we can benefit from this type of energyWhat studies show about how this technology can impact people on the spectrum in ...
Episode Highlights With Non-Toxic DadHow to navigate the balance between educating our kids/keeping them safe and respecting their agencyAddressing our own patterns of control and respecting our children as they grow upFree or inexpensive habits we can adopt in our family culture that benefit our whole familyHow gardening is helpful in many ways beyond just growing foodWays to model love and forgivenessHow to nurture creative problem-solving in kidsCreating more peace, grace, ease, and joy in...
Episode Highlights With WarrenThe big offenders when it comes to toxins that affect our familiesHow shoes can be detrimental to your health and how to choose good onesThere can be dyes in shoes that make them brightly colored and forever chemicals to make the plastic soft Low-level exposures that you might not be aware of for your kidsSome simple switches that can reduce exposureWhat to know about water and filtrationThings that can help remove toxins that have build up in the body...
Episode Highlights With Michael GriswoldHis very unique take on healing and the things that keep us stuckHow he read 500 books on how to get better and what he eventually found that workedIn order to find something that works, you need to hear it from someone who is honestThe myth that you have to control your thoughtsThe myth of needing to control our feelings or manifest His take on what helps instead Getting more in touch with the body as an antennaResources We MentionLetting Go:...
Episode Highlights With Michael GriswoldThe heartbreaking story that led him to the work he does nowWhat data says about the benefits of certain substances to help with depression and anxietyHis dramatic experience that shifted him out of deep depression and into joyA Yale study showed that these substances can end depression in a single doseOther studies have named this breakthrough status for its ability to help depressionStress is the inability to process the information we are receiving a...
Episode Highlights With Hannah WentWhat biological age is and how we measure itUnderstanding cellular-based aging How we measure biological ageSprint speed and grip strength can be really loose indicators of biological ageUnderstanding epigenetic biomarker proxies and how to pull levers to improve your biological ageHow biological age is closely tied to all-cause mortality The biggest factors that affect biological age negatively or positively Not surprisingly, smoking and alco...
Episode Highlights With RyanWe're operating in a way that is not according to our design and how this is impacting our mental and emotional health drastically 61% of people say they are depressed, anxious, or lonely Why we are in a global emotional recessionWe have an exploding population of therapists, but we aren’t seeing a change in the underlying problemsHis incredible journey to healing and the tough lessons he learned along the wayHow do we change our emotional experience and ...
Comments (29)

Lisa Mitiguy

m5red5sk if7yfo6ftx,0nttfx.,until tx.tmxfppm.l0f ppptfftt ,kpnrp.0.xfcxptlpfyt fx6f0tf .pp.xxt. dgy7xygc ggngyxg 5d,6td05r5 rs@"@@ p

Dec 10th

Jason Ohms

I'm trying to listen to episode 92 about ear infections but I think a lot of your older podcast links are broken. Is there another source where I can listen to it?

Jul 10th

Sonia Gordon-Walinsky

such good sense!

Jan 14th

Cassandra Mulock

My cousin! wow 👏

Dec 21st


"If you take the 1.4 billion people around the world, which now is less, thank goodness....." Michael said, just after praising Bill Gates who has committed his life to depopulating humanity. Is this how Michael is committed to decreasing poverty - helping depopulate? Yikes!!

Oct 27th

Mylee Quach

Thank you for all the information. I am looking into it.

Mar 4th

Amanda Ragan

hey girl, love the podcast! I always assumed you would never struggle with your weight, because the podcast is so spot on with health. It is very refreshing to hear a raw truth. makes you very relatable for me. I have also had some struggles. I started dieting last year and began to hate myself. in a way I never felt before. this year I am doing the deep emotional work to heal and physical changes are happening. I threw away the scale but I can feel it. you cannot hate yourself into health. so powerful. thank you for the great info always provided on wellness mama.

Feb 21st

Audrey Clark

To answer your question in the description, I don't feel good about eating meat at all. It's an ethical standpoint that I don't want to kill something when I have a plethora of other plant based options available that are cheaper, tastier and better for the environment. From an environmental standpoint people need to eat less meat and buy from sustainable sources. From an ethical standpoint, I personally can't back eating meat since it's proven to be unnecessary in having a healthy life for me.

Feb 17th

Tonya Bennert

I appreciate the fact that you allow your guests to talk. So many podcast hosts do too much talking when it's the guest that we really want to hear from. Thank you

Feb 5th

Lindsay Schulze

My trusted resource of a wealth of holistic medicine for mind body and soul. Love her and appreciate her thorough research and her authenticity and intentionally.

Jan 15th

Blaze Baxter

I feel like my phone just spoke to me by this popping up. I'm already in tears and haven't even listened yet. I am struggling with the fact I can't afford explant. Thank you for getting the word out about this illness. Can't wait to listen...

Jul 22nd
Reply (1)

Nicole Montesi-Doak

this was so interesting!!! I would love to try these games before investing or hear from others who have used it but can't seem to find anything online! do you know where I could get some more information?

Jun 9th

Niclas Daniels

39:40 #mitochondria that are fragile and overwhelmed can't handle additional stress and will shut down, contributing to #chronicFatigue 54:00 #supplements to help with #anxiety etc

May 23rd

Rachel Rivera

So glad you finally talked about vaccines! It is a controversial topic but you're so brave.

Apr 23rd

George Bernwanger

Fantastic podcast. Really enjoyed it.

Apr 20th

Jack Worrow


Jan 31st

Jack Worrow

The one person who

Jan 31st

M Carter

I love the picture book for each child. Kudos to you! I am going to start that for my kids

Jan 1st

Danielle Westcom

I though she sounded off a little as well, but then I listened to it again. I think she just has a lot of energy and passion for what she does. I took a lot away from the episode, including a desire to have half of her energy!

Nov 6th

sanina fuentes

Hi Katie! I think you may have the wrong audio linked to this podcast - would love to hear about mushrooms! thanks for all you do!!

Oct 29th