159: E Q&A
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It’s been a minute since we did a Q&A, MJFam! Elise Capron is usually the one asking the questions, but in this episode, she takes a turn in the hot seat, and answers a wide range of questions submitted by listeners, covering everything from her fan history and personal MJ picks, to thoughts on the biopic, Estate projects, her podcast guest wish-list, behind-the-scenes of The MJCast, and much more. Huge thanks to all of you who sent in submissions! It is a reminder of what a great fan community we have.
Simonpaulwilkie (Instagram)
1) Brave! 🔥 As a long time lover of the show, I’d love to know what it was like going from listener to presenter. Any surprises in how the show is put together and what it takes to make an episode. I couldn’t think of any way to say thank you better than contributing my own time to something I adore so much. Keep it up! ❤️
Xollophoto (Instagram)
2) What are all the Michael Jackson-related places you’ve visited (i.e. Thriller house) and what’s your favorite?
Charlie Carter (Twitter)
3) What is your favourite MJ song and why is it Just Good Friends?
Dane Thomson (Twitter)
4) Why is the Bad era your favourite?
Mumofsuperstars (Instagram)
5) Have you met any of the Jackson family 🙂
Etebeye (Instagram)
6) Elise, which of Michael’s concert tours do you wish to go back in time for and watch live?
Etebeye (Instagram)
7) Which movie character, past or present, would Michael have been a good fit?
Etebeye (Instagram)
8) Was Michael cool or a dud in your school growing up?
Sanja1980 (Instagram)
9) First of all thanks for all your hard work on the show! Questions: who was your favorite special guest so far and who do you wish you could interview for the show in the future?
JayKay0603 (Twitter)
10) Who are some special guests you would like to come on the show in the future, and if given the opportunity who would YOU personally like to interview if they ever came on?
JayKay0603 (Twitter)
11) And another MJ question if that’s okay, if you could be on the set of only ONE of Michael’s short films, which one would it be and why?
Genesta Coleman (Twitter)
12) Love the MJ cast ❤️👑♥️ why you don’t have a live stream ? And a call in show so MJ fans can talk openly about different topics ? 🤗🤗 Thank you so much for coming into my life.
Constantinos Isaias (Threads)
13) With no limitations, which one could have been your favorite special guests that you have like to interview?
Q (Threads)
14) Oh cool! Hello over here on peaceful Threads! I’d like to know what would be your Top 3 dream guests (living or passed.).
Q (Threads)
15) Cheeky second question(s), with talk of a director calling out Captain EO as prime material for a feature film, (I personally don’t see this happening but it could be fun), tell us about your first ever Captain EO experience, and if it ever became available as a physical product (it won’t), what would you include in the package?
Porter Wolff (email)
16) If you had a wish-list for future MJCAST Specials, who would be your top 5? Mine would be Buz Kohan, Freddie DeMann, Gary Hearne, Bill Bottrell and Nick Brandt.
Momowelz65 (Instagram)
17) What is your favourite Michael Jackson estate project, the MJ musical not included?
Xuedan Wang (Instagram)
18) Is the MJ One fan brunch on Michael’s birthday worth going to?
Joshua Klein (email) – Tucson, Arizona, USA
19) Hello Elise and the rest of The MJCast, been binging a lot of episodes for the past year now and I love the show and have been keeping up with new episodes ever since. I’ve heard plenty of discussions around everyone’s feelings towards the MJ estate and in some ways I completely agree with some of the opinions given. But as a casual fan of Michael, is it morally wrong to also buy new products/attend estate hosted events such as the birthday celebrations in Las Vegas? I like Michael and look forward to anything they put out, but sometimes I feel like I’m on a see-saw. Anyways thank you for taking the time to see my question, keep up the amazing work you all are doing and keep Michael-ing!
Porter Wolff (email)
20) If you had creative control of the estate, what would be the one project you would make and what would it include? A new album, short film boxset, album deluxes, a concert release?
Porter Wolff (email)
21) It’s been mentioned that an Estate Roundtable episode has been in the works, any update on if that is still the case?
Porter Wolff (email)
22) Do you know the level of completion for songs like “Buffalo Bill” and “Make or Break”, which are bad era tracks made with John Barnes. What about “Rich Girl”, which was made with Brad Buxer during history.
Porter Wolff (email)
23) You went to a seminar where John Barnes spoke, were there any stories he told there that you were unable to ask during his special episode? (Note to Porter: I fully intend to follow up on this question down the road! -E)
Jace Bain / MixingHistory (Instagram)
24) You’re writing the upcoming MJ biopic; how do you open and w/ what song?
Evaeva7 (Instagram)
25) And how would you close it and with what song?
Sydni Taylor (email)
26) Are you excited for the biopic? As a fan, I fear that the media will mock and pick at it the minute a trailer is released, I also fear that these movements for victims would have something to say, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if people protest against the film when it’s time for theatrical release, people protested against Victor Salva’s film which I understood because he was actually guilty, but MJ isn’t but some people aren’t open to hearing that he’s innocent, I also fear the other film directors will get the idea to make a negative movie about MJ.
Sue Vick Finley (Instagram)
27) Someone just told me