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AI Threats & Opportunities in Cyber Security With Material Security Co-Founder Ryan Noon

AI Threats & Opportunities in Cyber Security With Material Security Co-Founder Ryan Noon

Update: 2023-10-26


Cyber Security is going to change significantly in the era of AI, according to Ryan Noon, cofounder of Material Security, a security company that makes cloud-based Google and Microsoft email a safe place for sensitive data. Elad Gil and Ryan talk about how Material Security started to use LLMs, potential security threats from AI hacks, and the role of the government in securing the Internet. Ryan also shares his advice for founders.

Ryan co-founded Material Security in 2017 after seeing high profile email hacks in the 2016 Presidential election. Previously, he led various engineering teams at Dropbox after it acquired his first company, Parastructure. Prior to Parastructure, he led engineering at a data analysis company spun out of Stanford by DARPA. He holds both an MS in Computer Networks and Security and a BS in Computer Science from Stanford.

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Show Notes: 

(00:00 ) - How 2016 Election Hacking Inspired Ryan to Start Material Security

(05:00 ) - Generative AI Use Cases in Cyber Security & Fine Tuning

(11:36 ) - Predictions on Effective Threat Levels from AI Hacks

(14:45 ) - Democracy, the Department of Defence, DARPA and Cyber Security

(20:14 ) - Is there room for startups in the Cyber Security industry?

(26:40 ) - New Challenges On Horizon After 7 Years as Cofounder

(32:30 ) - Advice to Founders

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AI Threats & Opportunities in Cyber Security With Material Security Co-Founder Ryan Noon

AI Threats & Opportunities in Cyber Security With Material Security Co-Founder Ryan Noon

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