At What Age Should I Work with a Financial Advisor?
Deciding to work with a financial advisor is about more than how much you've stashed away. It's also about determining whether an advisor's benefits outweigh the costs.
In your higher earning years, finances become more complex. More money means more decisions and more chances to make mistakes or miss out on opportunities. That's where a quality advisor can come in handy. They help you steer clear of bad investments, seize the right opportunities, and keep financial stress at bay.
Having more than one perspective to draw from is the key to well-informed financial decisions. Teaming up and talking it out, whether with your partner or a financial advisor, is always beneficial.
Questions answered:
How can I determine whether working with a financial advisor is worth it for me?
What factors should I consider when deciding if I need a financial advisor beyond just my age or income level?
0:00 - Not an age-related decision
2:43 - Value and pricing structure
4:12 - Natural conflicts
7:24 - When benefit exceeds cost
10:02 - Cost of mistakes
12:18 - Cost of missed opportunities
14:16 - Cost of anxiety
16:02 - Thought partnership
21:36 - Summary
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