Sawbones: RSV

Sawbones: RSV

Update: 2022-12-137


Parts of the US are currently in the midst of a triple-demic, a very scary phrase, so Dr. Sydnee is here to break down the third illness: Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV. It’s a virus that’s common among everyone, but can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Sydnee and Justin talk about what it is, why it is suddenly prevalent in adults, and what can be done to help prevent the spread (hint: wear a mask).

Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

Comments (3)

Teresa Ellis

An RSV vaccine! Amazing! I can't wait until it is commonly available!

Mar 22nd

Teresa Ellis

This episode is a gave me plenty of feelings. My son got RSV before he was one year old which sent him to the hospital and left him vulnerable to another bout of pneumonia before he reached his birthday. He ended up with six cases of pneumonia before he was five. You can guess how I feel about masks and vaccines! One fall when flu vaccines were available I found out that there was also a vaccine for pneumonia. The pharmacist told me it was for people sixty and older. I explained my son's history and she gave my son the vaccine. He didn't get pneumonia that year and thankfully hasn't been hospitalized for a lung disease since. I got very angry after someone who brought her son over to my house twice with a runny nose and brushed it off saying "Oh, it's just the change in the weather, it's not a cold." My son got VERY sick both times and I figured out the connection by the second time. The next time she asked me to babysit when her son had, "seasonal allergies" I told her no and never h

Mar 22nd

Laura Bogart

"Cooper's a rogue agent" 🤣🤣🤣

Dec 24th








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Sawbones: RSV

Sawbones: RSV

Justin & Dr. Sydnee McElroy