DiscoverThe Resilient MindTransform Your Life by Changing Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza
Transform Your Life by Changing Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza

Transform Your Life by Changing Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza

Update: 2024-05-301


Dr. Joe Dispensa discusses the challenges of personal transformation, emphasizing the importance of conscious choice in overcoming ingrained patterns. He explains that our brains are wired by our past experiences, creating a familiar loop of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. To break free from this cycle, we must become aware of our unconscious habits and actively choose to think, act, and feel differently. This process involves rewiring our brains through repetition and mental rehearsal, ultimately conditioning our bodies to new emotions and experiences. Dr. Dispensa highlights the role of elevated emotions, particularly heart-centered ones, in driving positive biological changes. He also addresses the common tendency to cling to familiar suffering rather than embracing the uncertainty of change. He encourages listeners to embrace the unknown, practice mindfulness, and cultivate a vision of their desired future, ultimately transforming their lives through conscious choice and intentional action.



This Chapter introduces the Resilient Mind Podcast and the guest speaker, Dr. Joe Dispensa, who will be discussing personal transformation.

The Challenge of Change

This Chapter delves into the core challenge of personal change, highlighting the difficulty of breaking free from ingrained patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion. Dr. Dispensa explains that our brains are wired by our past experiences, creating a familiar loop that can be hard to break.

The Power of Conscious Choice

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of conscious choice in driving personal transformation. Dr. Dispensa argues that we can choose to learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration, rather than relying solely on pain and suffering. He encourages listeners to cultivate a vision of their desired future and to act from an elevated state of being.

Mastering the Present Moment

This Chapter explores the significance of mastering the present moment as a key to personal transformation. Dr. Dispensa explains that our brains are wired by our past experiences, leading us to dwell on problems and relive past emotions. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating mindfulness and being present in the moment, as this is the only place where the unknown exists and where true change can occur.


Dr. Joe Dispensa

Dr. Joe Dispensa is a renowned author, speaker, and researcher in the fields of neuroscience, quantum physics, and personal transformation. He is known for his work on the power of the mind to heal the body and create positive change. He has written several best-selling books, including "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" and "You Are the Placebo." His work emphasizes the importance of conscious choice, mindfulness, and the ability to rewire our brains to create a more fulfilling life.

Personal Transformation

Personal transformation refers to the process of significant change in an individual's beliefs, values, behaviors, and overall way of being. It often involves a shift in consciousness, a deeper understanding of oneself, and a commitment to living a more authentic and fulfilling life. Personal transformation can be driven by various factors, including personal growth, spiritual awakening, life challenges, and a desire for positive change.


Mindfulness is a mental state of active, non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. It involves paying attention to thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences without getting carried away by them. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help individuals cultivate a greater sense of presence, reduce stress, and improve emotional regulation.


Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life. This includes the formation of new neural connections, the strengthening of existing connections, and the pruning of unused connections. Neuroplasticity is the foundation for learning, memory, and personal growth. It allows us to rewire our brains to overcome negative patterns and develop new skills and habits.

Conscious Choice

Conscious choice refers to the ability to make deliberate decisions based on awareness and intention, rather than acting out of habit or unconscious patterns. It involves taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and actively choosing to create the life we desire. Conscious choice is a fundamental principle of personal transformation, as it empowers us to break free from limiting beliefs and create new possibilities.

Heart-Centered Emotions

Heart-centered emotions are feelings that are rooted in compassion, love, gratitude, and connection. They are often associated with a sense of well-being, peace, and fulfillment. Research suggests that heart-centered emotions can have a positive impact on our biology, reducing stress, boosting immunity, and promoting overall health and well-being.

The Unknown

The unknown refers to the realm of uncertainty, possibility, and potential. It is often associated with fear and anxiety, as it represents a departure from the familiar and predictable. However, embracing the unknown can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation, as it allows us to step outside of our comfort zones and explore new possibilities.

Mental Rehearsal

Mental rehearsal is a technique that involves vividly imagining and practicing a desired outcome or behavior in your mind. It can be used to improve performance, overcome fears, and develop new skills. By repeatedly visualizing and experiencing the desired outcome, you can create neural pathways in your brain that make it more likely to occur in reality.

Emotional Conditioning

Emotional conditioning refers to the process by which our bodies learn to associate certain stimuli with specific emotions. This can occur through repeated experiences, both positive and negative. For example, if we repeatedly experience stress in response to a particular situation, our bodies may become conditioned to react with stress whenever we encounter that situation again.

State of Being

State of being refers to the overall condition of our mind, body, and spirit. It is influenced by our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. A positive state of being is characterized by feelings of joy, peace, gratitude, and well-being. A negative state of being is often associated with stress, anxiety, fear, and negativity.


  • What is the biggest challenge in changing ourselves?

    The biggest challenge in changing ourselves is making different choices, which requires becoming conscious of our unconscious thoughts and behaviors.

  • How can we break free from ingrained patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion?

    We can break free from ingrained patterns by becoming aware of our unconscious habits and actively choosing to think, act, and feel differently. This involves rewiring our brains through repetition and mental rehearsal.

  • What is the role of emotions in personal transformation?

    Emotions play a crucial role in personal transformation. Elevated emotions, particularly heart-centered ones, can drive positive biological changes. By conditioning our bodies to new emotions, we can create a more fulfilling and positive reality.

  • Why is it so difficult to embrace change?

    It is difficult to embrace change because our bodies are often conditioned to seek out familiar comfort, even if it means clinging to suffering. The uncertainty of the unknown can be frightening, but it is also the place where true transformation occurs.

  • How can we master the present moment?

    We can master the present moment by cultivating mindfulness and being present with our thoughts, feelings, and sensations. This involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment and resisting the urge to dwell on the past or worry about the future.

  • What is the relationship between our thoughts and our physical health?

    Our thoughts have a profound impact on our physical health. Stressful thoughts can trigger the release of stress hormones, which can lead to disease over time. Conversely, positive thoughts can promote well-being and improve our overall health.

  • How can we create a vision of our desired future?

    We can create a vision of our desired future by vividly imagining and experiencing it in our minds. This involves engaging our senses and emotions to make the vision as real as possible. By repeatedly visualizing and feeling the desired outcome, we can create neural pathways in our brain that make it more likely to occur in reality.

  • What is the importance of intention in personal transformation?

    Intention is a powerful force in personal transformation. When we have a clear intention and a strong desire for change, we are more likely to take action and create the desired outcome. Intention provides direction and purpose, guiding us towards our goals.

  • How can we overcome the fear of the unknown?

    We can overcome the fear of the unknown by practicing mindfulness, cultivating a sense of trust in the universe, and reminding ourselves that the unknown is often a place of opportunity and growth. By embracing uncertainty, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences.

  • What is the role of habit in personal transformation?

    Habits play a significant role in personal transformation. Our habits are ingrained patterns of thought, behavior, and emotion that can be difficult to break. To transform ourselves, we must become aware of our habits and actively choose to develop new, more positive ones.

Show Notes

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a renowned author, speaker, and educator in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. He has spent over three decades studying the mind-body connection and the ways in which we can harness our thoughts and emotions to create positive change in our lives.

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Transform Your Life by Changing Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza

Transform Your Life by Changing Yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza

The Resilient Mind