498 - We have all the tones and are tubes amps dying?
Brian, Blake, and Richard are back for episode 498 of the Chasing Tone Podcast!
We start off with some talk about the genetics of weightlifters and Ozzy Osbourne and somehow the two are related. Brian is looking forward to a week off from the world as he is not going to NAMM and Richard laments his lack of popularity. His eye was turned by the new Keeley Muse Driver and completely fails to understand how it works. But he loves it.
Richard purchased the new EHX Golden Big Muff but is uncertain as to whether he made the cut - and you will have to wait until next week to find out whether he was successful. There is also a new pedal from Warm audio and the guys puzzle over how they avoid copyright issues before going on a completely unqualified legal debate.
The Smashing Pumpkins have had to employ full time staff to deal with the guitarist applications they have received and the guys roundly mock this scenario. Joe Bonamassa had an unusual way of dealing with a noisy neighbour issue and this brings Blake much amusement. A recent article talked about the death of tube amps and the guys dig into this with some help from Brian's son.
ChibCo Mouse, Popeye's, Destruction rooms, Pallet houses, Scott Joplin, Portland Blake...it's all in this week's Chasing Tone!
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