Synced: Mommy Issues

Synced: Mommy Issues

Update: 2024-06-191


Liz and Monica discuss the appropriateness of calling one's parents "mommy" and "daddy" as adults, with Liz sharing her own experience of still calling her father "daddy." They explore the potential implications of this practice, including the perception of being childish and the emotional connection it represents. They also discuss the cultural variations in addressing parents, with Monica noting that her parents have always called her by her full name. The conversation then shifts to a listener's question about her in-laws gifting a house to her husband but excluding her from ownership. Liz and Monica discuss the practical and emotional implications of this arrangement, highlighting the potential for resentment and the importance of open communication between the couple. They also touch upon the topic of prenups, emphasizing the importance of having contracts in place, even in loving relationships, to protect both parties in case of unforeseen circumstances. The conversation concludes with a discussion about a prenuptial agreement that stipulated a reduction in alimony for every 10 pounds the wife gained, highlighting the potential for harmful and controlling clauses in such agreements.


Election Concerns and Trump Rally

This Chapter discusses the upcoming election and Liz's experience at a Trump rally in Arizona. Liz expresses concern about the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans, noting that Trump supporters seem more energized. She shares her experience interviewing Trump supporters about women's bodies and finding a surprising level of support for Trump. Liz believes that Trump's enthusiasm is similar to what she witnessed in 2016, suggesting a potential for him to win again.

Masterclass Sponsorship

This Chapter is a paid advertisement for Masterclass, a platform offering online classes from experts in various fields. The hosts highlight the value of Masterclass for learning from the best in their respective fields, emphasizing the depth of knowledge and accessibility of the platform. They specifically mention Carla Welch's Masterclass on styling, highlighting its usefulness for everyday fashion choices.

Quince Sponsorship

This Chapter is a paid advertisement for Quince, a brand offering high-quality clothing and home goods at affordable prices. The hosts emphasize the value of Quince for finding stylish and durable pieces for summer, highlighting their European linen dresses and shorts. They also mention their one-piece options, emphasizing the quality and comfort of Quince's products.

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Sponsorship

This Chapter is a paid advertisement for the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Program. The hosts discuss the importance of pet insurance, especially when living with pets in a shared space. They highlight the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Program's customizable plans and their commitment to providing quality care for pets.

Olympic Hype and Diver Dreams

This Chapter delves into the lack of hype surrounding the Paris Olympics. Liz and Monica discuss the potential reasons for this, including the war and the election. They also engage in a playful discussion about Liz's potential Olympic sport, ultimately deciding that she would be a great diver, despite her concerns about her breast size.

Genetics and Body Type

This Chapter explores the topic of genetics and its influence on physical traits, specifically breast size. Liz and Monica discuss their own family histories and how they've inherited certain physical characteristics from their parents. They also touch upon the concept of body type and how it can be influenced by both genetics and environmental factors.

Movie Reviews and Threesome Fantasies

This Chapter focuses on Liz's recent movie watching experience, specifically "Challengers" and "La Chimera." She shares her thoughts on both films, highlighting the attractiveness of the actors and the overall themes of the movies. Liz then reveals her newfound attraction to a certain type of man and her desire to experience a threesome. The conversation delves into the complexities of polyamory and the challenges of navigating multiple relationships.

Mommy and Daddy

This Chapter explores the topic of addressing parents as adults, specifically the use of the terms "mommy" and "daddy." Liz and Monica discuss their own experiences and perspectives on this practice, exploring the potential implications of continuing to use these terms in adulthood. They also discuss the cultural variations in addressing parents and the emotional connection that these terms can represent.

In-Law Gift and Prenup

This Chapter delves into a listener's question about her in-laws gifting a house to her husband but excluding her from ownership. Liz and Monica discuss the practical and emotional implications of this arrangement, highlighting the potential for resentment and the importance of open communication between the couple. They also touch upon the topic of prenups, emphasizing the importance of having contracts in place, even in loving relationships, to protect both parties in case of unforeseen circumstances. The conversation concludes with a discussion about a prenuptial agreement that stipulated a reduction in alimony for every 10 pounds the wife gained, highlighting the potential for harmful and controlling clauses in such agreements.


Paris Olympics

The 2024 Summer Olympics, scheduled to take place in Paris, France. The Olympics are a major international sporting event that brings together athletes from around the world to compete in various disciplines.

Trump Rally

A political rally held by former US President Donald Trump, often characterized by enthusiastic supporters and speeches promoting his political agenda. Trump rallies are known for their passionate atmosphere and often feature controversial rhetoric.

Enthusiasm Gap

The difference in levels of enthusiasm between supporters of different political parties or candidates. In the context of the upcoming US election, Liz and Monica discuss the perceived enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans, with Republicans appearing more energized.

Women's Rights

A broad term encompassing the rights and freedoms that women should have, including equal opportunities, access to education and healthcare, and protection from discrimination and violence. Women's rights are a crucial aspect of social justice and equality.


A sexual encounter involving three people. The conversation explores Liz's desire to experience a threesome, delving into the complexities of polyamory and the challenges of navigating multiple relationships.


A form of relationship where individuals have multiple romantic and/or sexual partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved. The conversation touches upon the challenges of polyamory, including communication, boundaries, and navigating multiple relationships.

C15 Fatty Acid

A type of essential fatty acid that has been discovered recently and is considered to be three times better, broader, and safer than omega-3 fatty acids. C15 fatty acids are important for various aspects of health, including skin, liver, heart, and metabolic health.

Claretin D

A prescription-strength allergy medicine that combines allergy relief with a decongestant. Claretin D is designed to provide relief from various allergy symptoms, including sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sinus congestion.

Prenuptial Agreement

A legal contract signed by a couple before marriage, outlining the division of assets and liabilities in the event of a divorce. Prenuptial agreements are often used to protect the financial interests of both parties and can address issues such as inheritance, property ownership, and alimony.


The assets or property that a person receives from a deceased individual, typically through a will or other legal means. Inheritance can include real estate, money, personal belongings, and other valuable assets.


  • What are some of the challenges of navigating multiple relationships, as discussed in the podcast?

    Liz and Monica discuss the complexities of polyamory, highlighting the importance of communication, setting boundaries, and managing the emotional aspects of multiple relationships. They also touch upon the potential for jealousy and competition, especially when it comes to sharing a partner with another woman.

  • What are the benefits of C15 fatty acids, as discussed in the podcast?

    C15 fatty acids are essential for various aspects of health, including skin, liver, heart, and metabolic health. They are also known to strengthen the immune system, improve mitochondrial function, and protect against damaging free radicals.

  • How does Liz suggest addressing the issue of a husband calling his mother "mommy"?

    Liz advises the listener to address the issue directly and casually, suggesting that they point out the husband's frequent use of the term "mommy" and see how he reacts. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the issue early on to avoid potential embarrassment later.

  • What are some of the reasons why the Paris Olympics might be receiving less hype than usual?

    Liz and Monica discuss the potential reasons for the lack of hype surrounding the Paris Olympics, including the war in Ukraine and the upcoming US election. They suggest that these events might be overshadowing the Olympics in the public consciousness.

  • What is Liz's ideal scenario for a threesome?

    Liz expresses a desire to experience a threesome with two men who are both attracted to her. She emphasizes that she wants the experience to be purely sexual and not involve any emotional complications or potential for jealousy.

  • What is Liz's perspective on the role of genetics in determining breast size?

    Liz acknowledges that genetics plays a significant role in determining breast size, but also recognizes that other factors, such as body type and environmental influences, can contribute to variations in breast size.

  • What is Liz's experience with the movie "Challengers"?

    Liz shares her positive experience watching "Challengers," highlighting the attractiveness of the actors and the overall sexy nature of the film. She also mentions that she lowered her expectations after hearing mixed reviews but ultimately enjoyed the movie.

  • What is Liz's perspective on the lack of hype surrounding the Paris Olympics?

    Liz expresses surprise at the lack of hype surrounding the Paris Olympics, wondering if it's being overshadowed by the war and the election. She suggests that the Olympics could be a unifying event and encourages people to get excited about it.

  • What is Liz's experience with the movie "La Chimera"?

    Liz shares her positive experience watching "La Chimera," describing it as an incredible, odd, and beautiful film about death and longing. She recommends the movie to her listeners.

  • What is Liz's perspective on the role of genetics in determining physical traits?

    Liz acknowledges that genetics plays a significant role in determining physical traits, but also recognizes that other factors, such as body type and environmental influences, can contribute to variations in physical characteristics.

  • What are the potential implications of calling one's parents "mommy" and "daddy" as an adult, as discussed in the podcast?

    Liz and Monica discuss the potential implications of calling one's parents "mommy" and "daddy" as an adult, including the perception of being childish and the emotional connection it represents. They also explore the cultural variations in addressing parents and the potential for embarrassment in certain social situations.

  • What are the practical and emotional implications of a situation where one spouse is excluded from ownership of a house gifted by the in-laws, as discussed in the podcast?

    Liz and Monica discuss the practical and emotional implications of a situation where one spouse is excluded from ownership of a house gifted by the in-laws, highlighting the potential for resentment and the importance of open communication between the couple. They also emphasize the importance of addressing the issue of financial contributions to the property and ensuring that both parties feel fairly represented.

Show Notes

In this episode of Synced Liz gives some of her election predictions, Monica shares her frustrations with the Olympics marketing team, and they debate threesome preferences. They answer listener questions on whether it's appropriate for an adult man to refer to his mother as ‘mommy’, and whether a spouse is required to contribute financially to an asset that isn't technically shared.

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Synced: Mommy Issues

Synced: Mommy Issues

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