Unwinding Food Urges

Unwinding Food Urges

Update: 2023-11-104


Does any of this sound familiar?

Your day sucked. You come home to a messy house. Make dinner. Let the dog out/get the kids in bed/clean up the kitchen/fill-in-the-blank. 

You finally sit down to watch a show or scroll the Instagram to unwind. Maybe you even try to sleep.

Then you break.

You say, "Fuck it," and make love to ice cream and Cheetos in bed, even though you weren't hungry. And you eat waaaayyyy too much.

You wake up with all the guilt. You did it again. You call yourself all kinds of names. You swear you'll NEVER do that again...

Until you do it the next night. 

Y'all, I've BEEN there. Hell, sometimes I still want to be there. But here's what I know: you have got to break the cycle to lose weight.

Today on the podcast, I tell you how.

I introduce you to the phases of urges and how to recognize them when they strike. 

You'll even hear a real-life example of how one of my members is struggling with an after-work urge and how I coached her through it.

In the No BS membership, we talk about urges and overeating a LOT. And I can promise you this -- it ain't ever about the food. 

If you've ever felt guilty for giving into a craving -- or for even having one in the first place -- this episode will help you unwind your urges in a compassionate way that helps you lose your weight for good. 


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Unwinding Food Urges

Unwinding Food Urges